Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Crocheter's Brain

The Crocheter's Brain...while this is so funny and so true, I just that whoever made this used balls of yarn instead of blogs of paint...hmm...ideas ideas. :)

Happy Friday Everyone!!! We made it another week!!!

I have so many WIPs it is not even funny. At least I have it somewhat organized. I will try to take a picture and post it so that you can see that I am pretty bad at finishing things that take longer than 1 hr now. :p This also includes editing pictures to put on my blogs. Which I am so sorry about but I hope to do better. Goal time! hehe

I hope you guys stay cool this weekend. Hang in there! The long weekend is coming up soon!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I Have a Dream...

Can you imagine how wonderful this would be?

I love this! I love it when I get pandas as presents! hehe

Hmm....this gives me ideas....hehe You will just have to stay tuned to see what I do...Muhahaha!

Leaving you with something I said to a very good friend:
I hope this has brought a smile to your face and lightens your day. 

Thank you all for reading and following!! :) Hugs!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

International Yarn Bombing Day - Response

My postman’s response to my yarn bombing…hehe He’s so nice! :)
P.S. #4 is the wrong unit #…LOL…If asked, I was just making sure he was paying attention. hehe

Sunday, June 9, 2013

International Yarn Bombing Day!

June 9th is International Yarn Bombing Day aka Knit in Public Day. I was ill prepared so I made this little octopus and decide to yarn bomb my mail box. hehe

I've enjoyed seeing other's people's yarn bombing pictures. I'm too shy to actually yarn bomb and I was too busy to prepare...maybe next year, I will actually yarn bomb. :)

On the back of my crafting business card, I put a little note so he knows why there's this sparkily green octopus in the mailbox. hehe

Come Monday, my mail man will have a very nice surprise. :) I have been giving little tokens of gratitude for never tearing up or losing my mail before by placing it at the end of my mail box so he sees it when he goes to put mail in. I've gotten some very sweet thank you notes. I hope he likes this one. :)

I just wish I could put a hidden camera to see his face. hehe

I hope all of you had a great weekend and had fun yarn bombing! :)

Pattern: Small Takochu by Berrysprite
Yarn: Lion Brand Bonbons Color: Celebrate
Hook:3.50 mm
Labor: approx. 1.5 hrs
Size: approx. 2 in tall x 1 in wide