
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March Bunny Package

Here is a March package for my favorite bunny, Rachel.

Felt Peeps bunny and eggs decorated tote.

I bought this mini tote from the $1 section at Target. It is really cute and it was the perfect size to put in a couple of amigurumis. But it was too plain so I decided to decorate it with felt cutouts. Peeps bunnies and eggs were perfect. I might try to crochet this tote. It really is a good size. :)

Inside the tote I wrapped up these two amigurumis.

Cute little blue Steampunk Octopus as a surprise. :)

And the Onigiri girl to help Rachel and her friend sell cute stuff at MobiCon.

Here are a few packages still wrapped from the package that I thought was lost. The poor things have been hiding in my garage for a year or two. I don't think there are any candies in there but there might be something from Halloween. :p Once Rachel opens it, I will link her post so that you can see what was inside.

I think the purple package in the back is a magazine. It feels like one and sounds like one so it must be one. :p I got her the most recent Cross Stitcher as well. It has a cute koala card freebe so, I bought one for myself as well. :) This might get me into the cross stitch mood. :p

A giant stuffed bookworm for her other bookworm friends and some Chinese snacks. 2 more pineapple cakes and the little blue packets are crushed up ramen noodles with powder flavoring. We used to do it with the big packs of ramen noodles that you can buy in the grocery store but they decided to make it on purpose. :)

Inside this cute bunny jar labeled with a big "R" for Rabbit or Rachel is the following cross stitch key chain kits. I promised Rachel, these kits a long long time ago and am just finally getting around to it. :p

I hope she geeks out over everything. hehe
Love ya Bunny!

1 comment:

  1. ~la la la~ I got an awesome panda package! Woot!

    Thanks for all the lovely gifts! You sure know how to spoil me ;)
