
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Crochet in an airport

I knew I had a 4 hour long wait for my plane to fly home after my dad's funeral so I brought along some yarn, stuffing and tools. Here's some of the items I crochet during my trip and wait.

This is the gold heart that I made for my dad to take with him to the afterlife. I wrote a little note and put it into the heart before I closed it up. We had a nice Buddhist ceremony and he was cremated. He is now at peace and I hope will be happier in his next life.

<3<3<3<3<3<3 Onto more happier stories....<3<3<3<3<3

While waiting for the plane, a lady named Sunny sat next to me. We chatted it up because she saw me crocheting. She told that during her breast cancer surgery recovery she tried to crochet but couldn't get into it. She is doing well and will get reconstructive surgery soon. She was flying home after her daughter's graduation from military boot camp. Her husband is a Navy man and she has another daughter in the Air Force. A true military family. :) 

We started talking about books. She was reading Bared to You by Sylvia Day. It is a better written and less raunchy version of Fifty Shades of Grey. We both had read the Fifty Shades series and this book too. Our taste in books were very close so we exchanged book ideas. :)

Then she told me the sweetest story about how she met her amazing husband. He is her second husband and the father of this daughter who is in the Navy now like her dad. Sunny's oldest daughter, the one in the Air Force and from the first husband, secretly signed her onto eHarmony. Sunny was wondering why her daughter kept asking her weird questions and taking a lot of pictures. After the emails started coming in, she confronted her daughter. Sunny decided to just do it for fun. Apparently her daughter kept the site pretty updated. And it was her daughter who picked the man who would become Sunny's love. 

He knew before her that they were going to get married. He told her after 7 mo of talk and dates that she was going to marry him. She wasn't so sure. hehe They have been married for over 20 years now. :) 

It really was fate because her mom had brought out some baby pictures. He recognized a little boy in one because it was him! Sunny was 9yo and her husband was 7yo. She even remembered how he tried to kiss her then and she had to bop him over the head with a flashlight. hehe Apparently he remembered the pain and she had marked him as hers all those years ago. :) They are very happily married. :)

I decided to give her this little guy for the amazing story and for being a breast cancer survivor. I hope she gives crochet another try. :)

I didn't have darker yarn so I made him/her have red lips to kiss you with. :) If you want to make one of your own, here is the free pattern.

This is the bottom flower part. The pattern is a little confusing but it was easy to stitch up. :)

I hope she likes him/her. :) Thanks for the company Sunny!!

After she left on her plane, I crochet this little heart.

I gave it to his guy I sat next to and chatted with during my flight home.

He might look crazy but he was really nice. :) He is Roman Abrego, a famous tattoo artist going home from a convention. He told me his life story and let me ask whatever questions popped into my mind. He is a real artist and his work is amazing. You guys should check him out. :) 

That was it....I didn't really have the time or energy for anything else. :) I always pack a little too much or I would not pack enough. :) And I always have something to do for if I get bored. hehe I also had my mom's iPad and my Kindle with me too. hehe

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