
Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veteran's Day!

Happy Veteran's Day!!!
I am so very thankful for those who put themselves in harms way for our safety and lifestyle. Thank you to Sargent Smith (Army), Specialist Chao (Army), Captain Ly (Air Force), and Chief Caldido (Navy)!

Army Panda
American Flag 3D Heart
This flag heart was posted in a previous post but it is probably the only thing that I have beaded with the flag motif. When I have time, I would like to make a beaded flag bracelet like one of the ones below. :)

I found these beaded American Flag jewelry online:

American Flag Wave beaded Bracelet
You can buy the pattern here.

Simple American Flag Beaded Safety Pin Brooch

Here is another pattern for the American Flag Beaded Safety Pin Brooch. You can find the instructions here. They also have a pattern for Bald Eagle Beaded Safety pin design. And the American Flag Heart pattern.

Peyote Stitch American Flag Bracelet
You can buy the pattern or the kit, here.

American Flag Army Patch
I was curious as to why the flag patch on Army uniforms looked backwards so, I asked my friend who was in the army. He says that the flag is facing the way it would look like if a solider was charging into battle holding a flag. I thought it was interesting, so I thought I would share. :)

Thank you again to all our Veterans! I wish we could take care of you as well as you have taken care of us. May your day be filled with fun, laughter, love, and good fortune! 11-11-11

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