
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Red Heart Chandelier Earring

I saw these earrings and fell in love. I don't know what it is about them, but I thought they looked very unique and pretty. I have been itching to make something like it and just recently was given the chance to try. My friend's birthday was just this weekend and I was stumped as to what to give her. She doesn't really wear jewelry but does wear earrings sometimes. And she likes her accessories to be red (like her laptop and cell phone) but I have never seen her wear red earrings. Needless to say everyone liked it and she said she would find a day to wear them. :) I thought I would share my version with you all. :) 

These earrings needed to be hung from something to show how it would hang. It is not flat so I was stumped until I saw my mom's beaded animals. I did not make the animals..hehe..that is just too much wire work. If I was to ever make something I like this, I would make myself a cherry blossom or plum blossom tree. :) The elephant was too short so this giraffe worked well. :)

Sorry for the bad pictures. The earrings were made last minute so the pictures were last minute. I literally made these, went to dinner with family, and had to run off to the birthday party. hehe Procrastination sucks..I don't know why I do it. :P

Red heart earrings
Instead of the circular bead cap they used, I was lucky enough to find a star link that worked well, at least I think so...hehe

It took overall about 2.5 hours to make these. I am not the best at wrapping wire and have been out of practice for a while now. Therefore, it probably took a bit longer than necessary. I have also been wanting to do earrings but the wire work is intimidating. Maybe this pair will break through and I'll make more earrings. :) 

I thought I would share the lanyard that I had made for my friend during school. She had accidentally broke it and it took me this long to fix it. :P I ended up cutting the lanyard in half and adding a magnetic clasp so that next time it got caught on something, it would not break.

I have problems with psyching myself out of doing certain things because I think I might not be able to do it but when I actually get to doing it, it is never that bad and works out. So, I say to you all, do something every week that you have been putting off. It feels great over coming your own fears and accomplishing your  goals! hehe Fight Fight Fight! Even if it's yourself..

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure your friend loved her b-day gift! I love the giraffe as a hanging device :)

    At least you got one project finished with that lanyard! On to the next ^___^
